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Photography student is Poetry Competition WINNER

Congratulations to Level 3 Photography student, Daisy Deevey, who took first prize in a City of Liverpool College 2021 Poetry Competition. Daisy’s winning entry entitled ‘My World’, is a thought-provoking and moving observation of how someone with autism might experience the world.  

The competition, which was judged by established poets Helen Kay and Greg Kearns, gave students an opportunity to express their neurodiversity experiences through the medium of poetry.  

The event was part of National Neurodiversity Celebration Week, which shines a spotlight on the strengths, talents and accomplishments of members from this community.  It also sets out to promote acceptance of people who view the world from a different angle, and who make a great contribution to their workplace, communities and the world at large.

Daisy’s winning entry can be found below.

Image: Why fit in when you were born to stand out



Safer Internet Day: 9 Feb 2021

Students and staff at The City of Liverpool College are being reminded about the importance of staying safe online, as we celebrate the significant role the Internet and other digital technologies play in our lives.

Safer Internet Day is a global event that takes place this year on Tuesday 9 February. Under the overarching slogan: Together for a better Internet, the theme of the day focuses on: An internet we trust – exploring reliability in the online world.


As part of the commitment it makes to safeguarding its community, The College embeds e-safety into the curriculum, including through regular learner tutorials that address e-safety issues and the role we all play in providing a better and safer society online.

To mark the day’s events, Safer Internet Day network has produced a range of educational resources that reinforce the importance of keeping a positive digital footprint for the future. It also highlights to young people how the number of hours spent on mobile devices can have a big impact, not only on their lives and current social interactions but also their studies.

The College is one of more than 170 organisations around the world who get involved in the global conversation, including how to use technology in a respectful and responsible way.

The College has developed a few e-safety resources of its own for both staff and students, to help us think about our own online presence in an increasingly digital world:

Safer Internet Day (for students)  

E-Safety (for students)  

Safer Practices in Digital Working (for staff) 

View Breck Foundation video HERE  

Collecting Personal belongings – Current Students


Dear Student,

If you are NOT returning to study at the College in September, and have personal belongings you wish to collect from a locker at your college centre, please complete the form below:

Click here to complete form

On completion of the form, you will be contacted by email with an appointment to attend your centre of study and collect the items.

It is important that you keep to the appointment time given, as access to College centres is limited due to ongoing building works. For your safety and security, you will be escorted to the locker to collect your property.

PLEASE NOTE: Students who arrive at college centres without an appointment will not be permitted entry to the premises.

Thank-you for your co-operation.


Kind regards,

Amanda Parker

Head of Student Services

Black Lives Matter





You will all be aware of recent significant events that have taken place in response to the killing of George Floyd. The Black Lives Matter movement has drawn attention to racial injustice and brought into sharp focus the persistent presence of ongoing racism in our global society. We do not accept what has happened and expect change to come from recent events.

The City of Liverpool College is incredibly proud of our diverse population and we are committed to providing and improving opportunities in any way we can for our students and staff regardless of their background, race, gender, sexuality or ability. The college has made a strong and meaningful commitment to inclusivity but the past few weeks have shown us that we can do more and that this is the time to step forward and ask ourselves some uncomfortable questions.

Education is a powerful remedy to discrimination and poverty and we have a responsibility to be part of the solution and to fight racism in education and other parts of society. Our expectations must rise and we must help to build a better world faster. We will continue to embed equality and diversity across the college but with increased vigour and will be working with student representatives, staff and external agencies to plan what more we can do going forward to bring about lasting change.

This moment can be inspiring for us but also painful for those that have suffered and continue to suffer the impact of racism in society. We know many of you will be deeply affected by the social injustices being brought to light. We are here to support you so please speak to a member of our student support team on 0151 252 3733 or email 

We have compiled a list of resources which you may find helpful at this time.


College students scoop kin-ball trophy at inter-city tournament 


City of Liverpool College trainees crowned Country Range Student Chef winners

A trio of student chefs took top prize recently at a national competition to find the country’s top student chef.

City of Liverpool College culinary students Chi-Hin Cheung, Talent Sibindi and Beth Disley-Jones wowed both judges and a live studio audience with their inventive menu, in the Grand Final of the Country Range Student Chef Challenge 2019-20 held at the Restaurant and Catering Show (HRC) last week.

The theme for this prestigious event, which was run in conjunction with the Craft Guild of Chefs, required students to follow a format using classic techniques and skills to maximise the use of ingredients, whilst also reducing food waste.

The City of Liverpool College students’ menu was first scrutinised by Craft Guild of Chefs chairman and head judge, Chris Basten, before being recreated in a live semi-final heat at the City of Glasgow College earlier this year.

Basten commented: “Their menu showed fantastic creativity, flavour and taste, whilst ticking every box on this year’s theme.”

Chi-Hin Cheung, part of The City of Liverpool College’s winning team, said: “We’re absolutely thrilled to have won and I don’t think it’s really sunk in yet. We weren’t expecting to win but I think it helped us in the end as it calmed the nerves and allowed us to focus on our tasks.

“Cooking in front of a live audience was daunting at first but as the final progressed, we all really embraced the support of the crowd and enjoyed the experience. It’s been a fantastic competition to be involved in and we’ve all learnt a lot. Whether that’s better time management, menu planning, teamwork or use of ingredients and flavours, we’ve all picked up skills along the way which will prepare us for a future career in the industry, but winning is the cherry on top.”

The team’s winning menu included a starter of Filets de Sole Bretonne with Beurre Blanc Sauce, Vegetable Julienne, Turned Mushroom and Lace Tuile, followed by a main of Cajun Spiced Pork Medallion with Savoy Milanaise, Pork and Apple Croquette, Buttered Mash and Robert Sauce. To top it off, dessert was presented in the form of Lemon Tart with Sesame Sable, Italian Meringue, Lemon Gel and Raspberry Foam.

Read full story: FE News

Read full story: The Caterer

Read full story: Business Daily

Building futures for our veterans


Uniformed Services trainees benefit from donated safety wear


Visitor Economy Week meets National Apprenticeship Week!

The College is hosting a number of events to highlight apprenticeships in the tourism industry, which are vital to the economy of Liverpool City Region.

This week is both Visitor Economy and National Apprenticeship Week (3-7 February), which are important events in the College’s recruitment calendar.

Each year, the College is involved in a showcase of workshops and events to highlight the range of skills gained by trainees and apprentices at the College.  It also celebrates the impact apprenticeships can have on individuals, employers and the economy.

One event hosted at the College this week saw world-renowned game chef and Senior Lecturer in Culinary Arts at Westminster Kingsway College, Jose Suto, deliver a seminar on his acclaimed Game Larder. His masterclass was followed with preparation for a Game inspired guest dinner, where he was supported by apprentices from The City of Liverpool College’s Royal Academy of Culinary Arts (RACA).

Jose (pictured above) said: “I was keen to get involved with this event because Game is something that’s becoming more and more evident in cookery.

“It’s good for the future chefs of tomorrow to learn more about where Game comes from. These sessions allow us to impart on students the values of provenance, respect for products, and an understanding of how special a product can be.

“Nowadays, cooking and being a chef is all about understanding your food, the ethical side of the food, and also understanding about sustainability. We’re hitting every mark here in a demonstration such as this.”

Liverpool has a thriving visitor economy and remains the fifth most visited destination in the UK for overseas visitors.  Latest figures show that Liverpool City Region’s Visitor Economy is worth more that £4.5bn.

Visitor Economy Week 3-7 February 2020

The City of Liverpool College supports Visitor Economy Week!

Visitor Economy Week is a regional initiative that brings together key Liverpool City Region partners, schools, colleges and employers, to highlight the range of careers and opportunities available in the thriving visitor industry.  This sector alone supports upwards of 57,000 jobs and is worth £4.5bn.

The official Visitor Economy launch kicks off this important week on Monday 3 February at the Maritime Museum where a panel of industry experts will highlight the future plans and opportunities open to students and stakeholders in the visitor economy in Liverpool and the wider city region.

The City of Liverpool College principal, Elaine Bowker said: “We are extremely proud to be involved each year in this important initiative, which offers a insight to the important opportunities out there for young people looking for a career in the hospitality, retail, tourism and travel industry.”

Find out more about taster and showcase events taking place throughout the week at


VE Week Logo