The City of Liverpool CollegeWhat to do after GCSEs: Your options explained - The City of Liverpool College
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25th August 2022

What to do after GCSEs: Your options explained

After two years of hard study, GCSE results day is finally here. Today, thousands of students across Merseyside will be facing one of the biggest questions of their life: “what next?”.



Nowadays, there’s no longer the one-size-fits-all solution of moving on to A-levels then university after GCSEs. There are so many options, from further study and qualifications to the world of work and work experience and The City of Liverpool College provides options for all desired and alternative pathways.

Discover what options are available to you post-GCSE below.


1. Get real world experience alongside your studies with T Levels

 If A-Levels don’t sound fitting but you’re still keen to continue with your academic studies, T Levels are a great option for your next step.

A T Level is a two-year qualification designed in partnership with employers to give learners the skills and knowledge employers look for when it comes to hiring. The course combines classroom learning with a 45-day work placement and is equivalent to three A Levels. It’s a brilliant option to combine getting your qualifications with hitting the ground running in the world of work. A whole range of T Levels are available at The City of Liverpool College from September 2022, where you’ll have the chance to learn in brand new, cutting-edge facilities which have been specially designed for T Level students. To find out more, visit

2. Earn while you learn with an Apprenticeship

Students who are ready for a truly hands-on approach to learning might look towards an Apprenticeship. Apprenticeships give you the opportunity to gain real work skills and practical experience while acquiring job-specific qualifications and receiving a wage.

 The COLC is proud to be Liverpool’s leading provider of Apprenticeships and works closely with employers to ensure you get the most out of your experience and gain skills that you can apply to working life. To discover what Apprenticeships are on offer, visit

3. Continue your studies with A Levels

A-levels are subject-based qualifications that can help students get the entry requirements needed to progress onto university, further education, training, or full-time employment. To study A Levels, you generally need at least five GCSEs at grades nine to four/A* to C.

You might want to continue studying subjects they enjoyed at GCSE, such as English, maths or science, or pick three new options which align with your interests, such as media and journalism, or medicine, dentistry and veterinary. Browse the range of A Level options available at The City of Liverpool College at

4. Resit your GCSEs

It might be that you didn’t get the GCSE results you were hoping for, or what you need to progress to your next step. If that’s the case, don’t worry! You can retake them at The City of Liverpool College.

It can be hard to get back on track, which is why the COLC offers a focused programme of support to help students get to where they need to be and pass the exams for required subjects like maths and English, so that you can move on to your next step.

For information about all our available courses, visit:

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